Showing posts with label BGS School of Architecture and Planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BGS School of Architecture and Planning. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Congratulations to our Faculty Ar. Kavya Bhege, Mr. Chandrashekar and Design Venue Team

A Victory for Sustained Excellence – Yet Again !!!

Karnataka CET-2015- Institution Code is E242

Government of Karnataka CET-2015- Architecture Seats for NATA Rank Holders, B.Arch (General Quota) for BGSSAP, the Institution Code is E242 and the total seats available for this is thirty six (36)

Ar. Leela Immadisetty , Associate Professor BGSSAP

We are proud to announce that our faculty Ar. Leela Immadisetty , Associate Professor BGSSAP had been selected for the teachers grant " Classrooms with a cause - on Indian Road safety", YSA (Youth Service America), NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 | , YSA, Washington DC, USA. 

COMEDK UGET-2015 (Institution Code - E177)

Government of Karnataka, COMEDK UGET-2015 - Architecture Seats for NATA Rank Holders, B.Arch (All India Quota) for BGSSAP, the Institution Code is E177 and the total seats available for this is twenty four (24)

Friday, 19 June 2015

CET Architecture 2015 Achievers

BGS SAP Faculty led tours 2015-16

Campus Management Solution

​Council of Architecture - Approved

80 Intake - Approved by Council Of Architecture, New Delhi

Institution Code: KA 30


We are proud about the achievements of Ar.Sharath H Aithal, Assistant Professor, BGSSAP, who has won the National Best PG Thesis award by the Council Of Architecture, COA, National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture (NIASA). We congratulate him in this regard.

NIASA (National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture) (Academic unit of Council of Architecture)

(based on marks – VTU)

Affiliated to VTU

Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) is one of the largest Technological Universities in India.

The university having 202 affiliated colleges, 1 constituent college and 17 Autonomous colleges, over 4 lakhs Students study in the various institutes affiliated to the University.

The University is making steady progress in developing and providing best technical environment for education and will continue to serve the nation in coming years.

What field to choose ? a question in all students, here is an answer, if you should choose architecture.

From Dean’s Desk

Welcome to BGS School of Architecture & Planning (BGSSAP). Human imagination and endeavour are constantly redesigning the world. Our vision is to provide world-class knowledge with leading practice, to equip you for an outstanding career. Currently we plan to offer the exciting Bachelor of Architecture undergraduate program. The B.Arch. is a rigorous and comprehensive program that aims at developing the required skill, environmentally and socially sensitive, technologically advanced and professionally competent Architects. Our relationship to the environment has never been more challenging than it is today. How will architecture react to these developments and these demands? Is the challenge we wish to address here.
NEWNESS needs to be the emphasis of our approach, which makes possible architecture of freedom in demonstration. The relevance for opportunities of innovation, time to conceive strategies are the need of the hour. We live in an era of rapid transformation. More than ever before, technological developments have reshaped our perception of the world. Our universe is becoming small, with individual primate cities as neighbourhoods. The teaching learning process needs to emphasise on exploration, exposure to wide ranging disciplines, visual and language skills and critical thinking. The school environs inform the learners regarding the present and simultaneously challenges the future.
Student interests may be pursued through the highly motivated exploration sequence. Every semester break during the vocation is generally dedicated to travel. Every year, students may select from a range of faculty-directed travel experiences, nationally or internationally. Our Institution includes fieldwork experiences with its courses.
Our Institution is a dynamic ecosystem with deep ties to the profession it represents, professional bodies and the diverse people it serves. Hosting visiting scholars, supporting active student organizations (National Association of Students of Architecture, NASA) and sponsoring lecture series that bring to campus distinguished practitioners and academics, all contribute to the comprehensive life of the School. The School needs to position itself as a major research engine for sustainable architecture, and, we need to play an important role in building prosperity and the economic vitality of our region. Architects and Planners are the ones who are working to solve critical issues related to the built environment, and the students that we educate are the ones who are going to solve these challenges. We have a critical mass of excellent faculty, world-class facilities, and strong program envisages based on VTU syllabus. Our final priority is in developing future leaders and entrepreneurs who will address our critical national and international challenges. We are investing strategically and are aligning the institution structure for maximum operational efficiency as a new school of thought. Please feel free to contact us or come for a visit. I look forward to hearing from you.

Dr. Ajai Chandran .C.K
Email: dean @



Wednesday, 17 June 2015

On this difficult day, we bring to you a very interesting review by Vicky Richardson, on the archives and exhibition of Charles Correa's work at RIBA (2013). RIP Charles Correa (1903 - 2015)

BGS SAP feels sad to announce the demise of Charles Correa: India's greatest architect

BGS SAP feels sad to announce the demise of

Charles Correa: India's greatest architect


Campus Tour - BGS SAP

 Campus Tour



  • Galaxy of highly qualified and well-travelled Faculty.
  • Green campus with International facilities.
  • Excellence in professional practice and overall development of the individual based teaching learning process.
  • World wide recognized and Industry preferred degree from Vishveswaraya Technological University, VTU.
  • Emphasis on creative demonstration through exhibition.

About Sri Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust (Regd.)



Sri Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust (Regd.) was started in the year 1973 with the objective of rendering social, charitable, educational and medical services blended with spiritualism to the people of Karnataka, India and the NRI community across the world under the divine guidance of the pontiff of Sri Adichunchanagiri Math Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Balagangadharanatha Maha Swamiji.
The Trust is currently running over 470 educational and charitable institutions including three Engineering colleges including the prestigious Sri Jagadguru Sri Balagangadharanatha Swamiji Institute of Technology (SJBIT), the prestigious Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) and the associated hospital Adichunchanagiri Hospital and Research Centre (AH&RC), the BGS Global Institute of Medical Sciences, the premium campus for Architecture under the trust :  BGSSAP at BGSIRS Campus.


Click - Management and Board of Governers 

About BGS School of Architecture and Planning

About BGS School of Architecture and Planning 


Vision -  GO GREEN : Global in Outlook, Local in Context”


MISSION  - To advance knowledge in Sustainable Built Environment & Planning that will best serve our nation and the world.

BGS SAP is the destination for someone who wants to pursue, sharpen and develop your skills in sustainable design, or someone who would like to contribute to the creation of a sustainable built environment as a responsible and sensitive Global Citizen, the team at BGS SAP is dedicated to reach such goals.

The institutional focus on Sustainable Architecture is dedicated to the creation and maintenance of sustainable buildings and communities based on a  GO GREEN concept. Truly Sustainable Architecture could be defined as the creation of habitat for which only renewable resources are consumed throughout the process of design, construction and operation. In order to achieve this, the prescribed subjects for the B.Arch Degree (Intake of 80 from Aug 2015) is taught with an emphasis on traditional planning and design heritages from across India as well as current trends in sustainability and future practices, processes and materials, which give future architects and planners valuable skills to create a truly sustainable built environment. The subjects range from pre-design stages to designing, construction, post-construction, and maintenance, operation and evaluation of buildings. We intend to provide hands-on experience through workshops, seminars, site-visits, faculty-led architectural study tours to destinations within India and abroad to provide a total educational perspective.

BGS SAP with its dedicated faculty and noble management is destined to provide its students with an education that combines rigorous academic programs and the excitement of innovation with the support and intellectual inspiration of a diverse campus community. We seek to cultivate in each student member of the BGS SAP community the skill and passion to work sensibly, creatively, and commendably for the betterment of humankind.